El 80% de las emisiones mundiales de CO2 las concentran 57 empresas.

57 empresas del sector de los conbustibles fósiles y cementos han producido más  del 80% de las emisiones de CO2 anuales durante los últimos 8 años. La mayoría de las empresas de este sector produjeron más combustibles fósiles en los siete años posteriores al Acuerdo de París que en los siete años anteriores a la adopción […]

Nuestra Tecnología funciona

Nuestra tecnología funciona El Sistema Activa de limpieza y desinfección permanente esta formado por dos componentes esenciales para su máxima eficacia y excelentes resultados: La Luz, natural o artifical El recubrimiento Activa  Un recubrimiento transparente basado en semiconductores minerales , que es apto para cualquier superfície. Las principales propiedades que lo hacen un sistema revolucionario, […]

Pollution causes structural changes in children’s brains

An ISGlobal study shows how this organ is “particularly vulnerable” to pollution not only during pregnancy but also in childhoodBeing exposed to air pollutants in the womb and during the first eight and a half years of life alters the structural connectivity of the child’s brain, month by month. In particular, the greatest changes occur the greater the contamination […]

The “new” food production and its problems

Actually, no, it’s not new. The macro farms began to be installed in the decade of the sixties. We have been consuming animal products that come from macro-farms for many years. But for you to understand what has happened recently and why they are being talked about now, I have to explain to you, first, what they […]

The solution to the ammonia problem

The evolution of the livestock sector in Spain in recent years has made it essential to draw up a new standard that includes different environmental and animal welfare aspects.Its articles 10 and 11, Royal Decree 306/2020 of February 11, and the European Directive 2016/2284 on emission reduction require an immediate reduction of ammonia emissions, as well as […]